What is this about?

Static code analysis is an approach to obtain additional information about a software system by analyzing its source code. But most of the current tools combine both the analysis algorithm and the means to provide feedback. As a result, if someone wants to create new analysis algorithms he also has to implement and maintain the ways to display the result to an end user. On the other hand if one wants to invent a novel way to present static analysis results she also has to aggregate the diverse output formats of the available static analysis tools.

We solve this problem with Renraku: the Middle Man of static analysis. It defines how algorithms should provide external properties of source code, and how tools should consume these properties. Not only the unique model lifts the complexity burden from static analysis engineering but opens entirely new horizons unseen by the others.

Renraku is implemented in Smalltalk and heavily used by Pharo. But it does not meen that you cannot rock the experience of Java, C#, Python, whatever developers in the same way. So stick arround and we will change the world.

Key Concepts

  • For Algorithm Developers

    Develop algorithms and plug them into the environment. Available development tools will aggregate your reports and show them to developers.

  • For Tool Developers

    Obtain extra properties of code (based on the available algorithms) with simple API. Your tool with be always up to date with the latest analysis algorithms.

  • For Casual Programmers

    (Un)Loadable dedicated static analysis, domain-specific algorithms packaged with frameworks and libraries, same analysis in diverse development tools.

Learn More

Read about what makes Renraku great in the Features section, of just watch the storytelling talk: